
Frequently-Asked Questions:

  1. What can I do with Party Mixer?
    Party Mixer lets you create a playlist from tracks that are stored on your mobile device and then play them on 2 decks (players). You can play 2 tracks simultaneously and cross-fade (mix) between them. You can also speed up or slow down each track in order to mix it smoothly with the other.
  2. How do I download the app?
    If you have a phone or tablet running Android 2.3 or newer, click here to get it from Google Play Store. Note that Party Mixer is NOT available for iOS.
  3. How do I play the music that’s already on my phone?
    To play music, you first add tracks to your playlist. To do that, press the + button on the main screen. You’ll see a list of folders on the left and your playlist on the right. By default, the left pane opens in your device’s internal storage (if any) or SD card otherwise. If you have both, navigate up to the /storage folder and find the right folders for your internal and external folders (usually /storage/emulated/0 is internal storage and /storage/extSdCard is a removable SD card). Exact folder names vary widely by manufacturer. When you’ve found your music files, tap on each one to add it to the playlist or long-press on a folder to add the entire folder.
  4. How do I “crossfade” from one song to the other?
    Once you have 2 tracks playing, you can drag the slider at the bottom of the screen (below the playlist) to the left or right in order to make one deck or the other louder. When the slider is in the middle, both decks are audible. In order to produce a smooth transition, it is important to match the type of music, synchronize the beats, and crossfade at the right moment. The vertical temp/pitch sliders can help you equalize the speed of the two tracks, but the art of making a good mix is beyond the scope of this help page.
  5. How do I save a playlist?
    Press the menu button and then select “Save playlist” from the menu. Enter a name that does not have any special characters and click Save.
  6. What is the “Pro Package”?
    The Pro Package is a collection of our premium features; in order to use any of those features, you have to purchase the Pro Package first. As of now, the only premium feature we have is tempo/pitch control, but we’ll be adding more as we go along. Users who purchase the Pro Package now will automatically get access to the features that get added to the Pro Package in the future, without having to pay more. Note that you can already try the tempo/pitch control for FREE on the left player deck; you only need to buy the Pro Package if you want to use that functionality on both decks.
  7. What devices is Party Mixer compatible with?
    Party Mixer is compatible with all phones and tablets running Android 2.3 or newer. Tempo/pitch control is not supported by Android 4.0.4 and some devices with other versions. Compatible file formats are: mp3, mp4, m4a, 3gp, ogg, mid, wav, and since Android 3.1, also flac and aac.